2 Contact Us

Contact The Reunion Committee      

Please use the contact form at  JamesRobertIngram.com to contact a committee person by email.

 1. The 50th Reunion Committee worker bees      

 Head Co-Chairperson: - Joanna Stanton Goodspeed - Montoursville


Co-Chairperson 2: Pat Koch Fullmer - Selinsgrove


Co-Chairperson 3: Pam Trudeau Nagy - Montoursville

2. Reunion Support People

  Address & Email Records: Elaine Mason Parker - Gulf Breeze, Florida.

Email Mailings, Agenda, Trivia page, Name that classmate: Karen Davenport Bahr - Muncy Pa.

  Biography Booklet: Walt Kaiser - Anywhere USA (lives in RV)

Slide Presentation: Harry Ulmer - Daytona Beach, FL, 386-255-5295


Web Page and Yahoo Group: James R. Ingram, Williamsport, 570-322-7597.

3. General Support People
     Treasurer: Class of 1966 Treasurer, Richard A. Gray, Montoursville Pa.  570-433-4697 before 10 pm.

       Motivational Support: Letty Wharton Gray, Montoursville Pa.  570-433-4697 before 10 pm.

      This "contact us" page updated 6/20/2011 by  James R Ingram