##OLD 2 List Of 142 Classmates

  • The following 3 links open different versions of the list of 1966 Classmates.
  • These lists are derived from the "master list", which is maintained by Elaine Mason Parker.
  • Please keep in mind that these lists are only APPROXIMATE, as keeping track of this information is somewhat of a headache.
  • For PRIVACY reasons, we don’t show the person's actual street address, nor phone, nor email. We just indicate whether it is “known” or “unknown”. In some cases we have only partial information, in some cases none.

  • Larry Vognet: His state is AR (Arkansas). The lists incorrectly show him living in AZ (Arizona).
  • Bert Marovich is in Bradforn, not Bedford.
  • Update 12/3/09:  Some of this information on these web page lists is not up to date.  The lists were generated Jan 2009.  We will try to generate updated lists the first half of 2010.  (We don't do it more frequently, because it is time-consuming.)
The Links
Statistics As Of 5/6/09

  • List 1 - There are 161 classmates names on the list. Of these 161 people, 142 are surviving, and 19 are deceased)
  • List 3 - Of the 142 surviving members, there are 45 classmates in the Yahoo email discussion group (aka Listserver), and the remaining 97 are NOT in the group -- either because they decline to be in, or they don't have email at all.
  • Of the 97 people not in the group, there are 11 we have tried to contact via phone or email, but they do not reply.
PDF Versions

Browse the directory where the above 3 files are stored in PDF format.

  • The same 3 files are currently stored in the directory as PDF files. You should be able to open the directory, "right mouse" a particular PDF file to select "save as", which should download it to your hard drive.
  • To view the PDF format, you need the free Adobe Reader installed on your computer.
This page updated 12/03/2009 by JamesRobertIngram.com